Tips To Avoid Getting Sick From Your Cat’s Dander- A Homeowner’s Guide

Needless to say that your beloved cat is an active member of your family whom you absolutely adore. But while they make you laugh, provide comfort and prevent your loneliness at times; often they leave behind their fur, dirt and dander where-ever they go.

At times, they may also cause some allergic reactions and bring about various health complications. If you happen to be one such pet owner, then, here are some tips to prevent falling sick from cat dander.

Look To Wipe Down Surfaces Where Traces Of Dander Exists:-

Properly dip a clean cloth or towel in a mixture of hot water or multipurpose cleaning detergent. Then thoroughly wipe all those areas having traces of dander. This includes the baseboards, walls and any ignored corner of your house.

Also focus on those areas where your feline friend mostly tends to relax, such as the tabletop, or any part of the house. Don’t dust too much as this will only make those loose dander particles airborne, thus spreading them to more new areas of your house.

Properly Vacuum Your Home Upholstery:-

If your upholstery has been left untreated for a while, then there’s a good chance that there will be plenty of pet dander lurking deep beneath the upholstery surface. You can look to vacuum them thoroughly. This will prevent your cat’s dander from releasing into the air and causing breathing problems for your family members.

Alternatively; you can always schedule an appointment with a quality Home Cleaning Services Near Port Melbourne to properly vaccum it using their industry approved equipment and tried-and-tested methods to achieve 100% cleanliness.

These expert house cleaners will perform a thorough inspection on firstly your upholstery and secondly on different are of the house to achieve the desired cleaning quality. Furthermore; this treatment also helps break down those adamant dirt and grime which have accumulated over time, thus leaving your home looking clean.

It doesn’t cost a great deal, and so that’s another benefit.

Removing Dander From Your Clothes:-

Regardless of how much you appreciate cuddling your cat by laying them in your lap, they tend to transfer dander into your clothes. If that’s the case,then as per experts offering professional house cleaning services near south melbourne- you can use a lint brush to remove all existing pet hair from your clothes.

You can even wipe them properly using hypo-allergenic wipers to reduce the allergic effects. However, this could leave behind a small stain on the light coloured clothing. The best option would be to perform a small test to check for such spots at the start- only to be sure.

Alternatively; you can also use a vacuum hose to flush out the dander from your clothes.

What’s The Best Way To Prevent Cat Dander?

Truth be told, if you want to prevent cat dander in your house, the best way is to stop it from the source. Even though cats despite bathing; you need to properly bathe your feline friend using a quality shampoo and brush them properly.

You can also look to improve their diet to ensure they have healthier skin and lesser dander issues. Look to add plenty of omega 3 fatty acids in their meals.

Also; you can look to schedule an appointment with a top-rated house cleaning company serving all across Melbourne to clean every nook and corner of your residence.

That will help you remove every trace of dander in your house and keep you and your family members safe from its allergic reactions, and health complications.


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