Vinegar Recipes used by House Cleaners for Window Cleaning

Are you pissed due to the grime accumulated on your windows and its panes? If yes then you need to do thorough cleaning as such stains are very nasty and do not go away easily. However, persistent cleaning can take a toll on your health and give your neck and back aches! Well this blog post has come up with interesting and time saving window cleaning recipes that will reduce your effort by several folds!

Vinegar Window Washing Recipe you should know:

If you plan to undertake the cleaning by yourself then try out this recipe to restore the pristine condition of your windows. Additionally hiring a local window cleaner from Melbourne will help you get the desired cleaning flat out!

  • At first take one part of hot water and mix it to one part of vinegar and prepare a solution.
  • Start with the sponge and then gently moisten the window glass panes with the above solution.
  • Dampen the squeegee and make sure to clean in the top to bottom direction as this brings down the dust accumulated at the far reaching ends.
  • Follow the hack used by the local window cleaner in South Melbourne and clean the windows at such hours when it does not receives the sun’s rays.

In order to get the best window cleaning outcome the reputed cleaning company in Melbourne suggests to use the following recipe:

  • You will need a spray bottle, white vinegar and some tap water. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and tap water in the spray bottle.
  • If the window is in a very terrible condition then prewash it with soap water and then apply the above solution to every nook and corner and let it rest for some time.
  • Use a cloth dipped in undiluted vinegar and scrub off the windows thoroughly!

In case you find your windows soiled with too much of stubborn stains and grime then it is high time that you summon professional house cleaners. Make sure to ask the local house cleaners in Melbourne their prices prior to hiring them. Such professionals are called so due to their adeptness at work and skills possessed over the ages. The work that you will do in 4 hours will be done by them with ease in around 30 minutes time! If you found this blog post useful then share it with your near ones.


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